In the previous article we created a virtual environment and installed QSTrader on all our secondary nodes. We then carried out a test of the sixty forty strategy across all secondary nodes to make sure our installation had been successful. Now that we have successfully paralellised QSTrader we can start to carry out parameter sweeps for strategies. In this article we are going to carry out just such a sweep using the Momentum Tactical Asset Allocation strategy. We will then programme a sensitivity analysis to visulaise how the CAGR, Sharpe ratio and Drawdowns are affected by different variations of lookback periods and the number of assests we are invested in.
Obtaining the data
We will begin by downloading all the necessary historical data to run the US Sector Momentum TAA strategy. This is the full history of the SPDR US Sector ETFs, a uinque set of ETFs the divide the S&P500 into 11 index funds; Communication, Consumer Discretionary, Consumer Staples, Energy, Financials, Health Care, Industrials, Materials, Real Estate, Technology and Utilities. You will also need the SPY as a benchmark. In this example we are using Yahoo finance to obtain our data. If you would prefer to use a different vendor you will need to format your CSV files to work with QSTrader such the columns are labelled as follows:
Date,Open,High,Low,Close,Adj Close,Volume
You will need CSV files containing the full history for the following tickers. Please ensure the history is complete otherwise QSTrader will raise an error.
You will also need to copy the Momentum Tactical Asset Allocation strategy from the QSTrader examples and save it as a python file. The example code runs a backtest for the strategy with a lookback period of 126 business days (6 months) holding the top 3 assets. We will modify the code to run a parameter sweep using SLURM.
Modifying the code
In order to run our parameter sweep we will need to make a number of modifications to the example code. First we need to include the Sector ETF for Real Estate which was previously omitted. As we are running QSTrader on a headless cluster we will also need to modify the code to output a JSON file with our statistics, as we did in the previous article. We will also need to generate multiple output files, one for each of our parameter combinations. Then we will need to adjust the __main__
function to run with the python command line interface library click. This will allow us to pass a SLURM array task id into our code so that we can run multiple parameter variations simultaneously as a SLURM job array. Finally we will need to create the SLURM batch file to carry out the scheduling of each parameter variation.
Let's begin by adding in the information for the Real Estate ETF, XLRE. In line 162 of the example code we find the code that constructs the assets and symbols for the backtest. Inside the list comprehension we replace our string of symbol suffixes with a list of strings. This allows us to have suffixes that contain more than one character.
# Construct the symbols and assets necessary for the backtest
# This utilises the SPDR US sector ETFs, all beginning with XL
# strategy_symbols = ['XL%s' % sector for sector in "BCEFIKPUVY"] This line is replaced with
strategy_symbols = ['XL' + sector for sector in ['B', 'C', 'E', 'F', 'I', 'K', 'P', 'U', 'V', 'Y', 'RE']]
assets = ['EQ:%s' % symbol for symbol in strategy_symbols]
Now we will modify the performance output from a call to the TearsheetStatisics
class to a call to the JSONStatistics
class. We begin by importing the class at the top of the file.
#Line below is removed
#from qstrader.statistics.tearsheet import TearsheetStatistics
from qstrader.statistics.json_statistics import JSONStatistics
Then we remove the instantiation of the TearsheetStatistics
class and instatiate the JSONStatistics
class. We will need to modify the output file name so that each parameter varaition creates its own output file. Here we represent the string formatting with the placeholders mom_lookback
and mom_top_n
# Performance Output
# tearsheet variable is removed
tearsheet = TearsheetStatistics(
title='US Sector Momentum - Top 3 Sectors'
backtest_statistics = JSONStatistics(
equity_curve = strategy_backtest.get_equity_curve(),
strategy_name = "momentum_taa",
output_filename = "momentum_taa_{0}_{1}.json".format(mom_lookback, mom_top_n),
target_allocations = pd.DataFrame()
Now we need to create an iterable for all of the parameters we would like to run. In this example we have chosen to analyse the effects of having a expanding monthly lookback window. We will run the strategy with a lookback window across the range 1 - 12 months. As the average number of business days in a month is 21 our lookback series will be $21 \times n$ where n is the number of months, giving us 21 days, 42 days, 63 days ... up to 252 days. We will also be varying the number of assets we are investing in from the top one to the top eight performing assets. In total we have 12 lookbacks and 8 top_n_assets which gives us $12 \times 8 = \textbf{96}$ backtests to perform.
We create the parameter iterable as a global variable so that it can be accessed outside of the class. First we create a list of 96 tuples containing our parameter variations. This uses itertools.product()
to create the cartesian product of our lookbacks and top_n_assets. We then feed this list into a dictionary comprehension where the key will be a job index (0-95) and the values the tuples.
First we need to import itertools. Underneath the import statements include the followng lines.
mom_params = list(
itertools.product(list(range(1,9)), [21*i for i in range(1, 13)])
PARAMS = {i:j for i,j in enumerate(mom_params)}
The job id represents the $SLURM_ARRAY_TASK_ID
, a SLURM environment variable generated when an array is created. It is used to differentiate between individual jobs in the array. The $SLURM_ARRAY_TASK_ID
are numbered 0-n. As we are creating an array of 96 jobs (running our 96 backtests) our $SLURM_ARRAY_TASK_ID
will be 0-95. We can pass the environment variable representing the array id into our command to run the backtests by using the Python library click. We can then use this to index the PARAMS dictionary and extract the correct parameters for the backtest. Firstly let's import click. Our imports should now look as follows:
import itertools
import operator
import os
import click
import pandas as pd
import pytz
from qstrader.alpha_model.alpha_model import AlphaModel
from qstrader.alpha_model.fixed_signals import FixedSignalsAlphaModel
from qstrader.asset.equity import Equity
from qstrader.asset.universe.dynamic import DynamicUniverse
from qstrader.asset.universe.static import StaticUniverse
from qstrader.signals.momentum import MomentumSignal
from qstrader.signals.signals_collection import SignalsCollection
from import BacktestDataHandler
from import CSVDailyBarDataSource
from qstrader.statistics.json_statistics import JSONStatistics
from import BacktestTradingSession
Now we will reformat the __main__
function. This may look complicated at first but really all we have done is move everything from the main into a new function defined outside the class called cli()
. We have added two lines above the function, click decorators that allow us to parse the $SLURM_ARRAY_TASK_ID
as a parameter --job_id
, which we then feed into the function. The __main__
function now simply contains a call to cli()
. The only other change is to the mom_lookback and mom_top_n variables. These can be found in the creation of the momentum variable (line 179), the strategy_alpha_model (line 183) and the creation of the output file (line 228). These are replaced with a call to the global dictionary we created; PARAMS[job_id][0] and PARAMS[job_id][1] respectively. This allows us to feed the right parameter variations into each of our 96 SLURM jobs, based on the $SLURM_ARRAY_TASK_ID
@click.option('--job-id', 'job_id', type=int, help="SLURM ARRAY TASK ID")
def cli(job_id):
# Duration of the backtest
start_dt = pd.Timestamp('1998-12-22 14:30:00', tz=pytz.UTC)
burn_in_dt = pd.Timestamp('1999-12-22 14:30:00', tz=pytz.UTC)
end_dt = pd.Timestamp('2020-12-31 23:59:00', tz=pytz.UTC)
# Construct the symbols and assets necessary for the backtest
# This utilises the SPDR US sector ETFs, all beginning with XL
strategy_symbols = ['XL' + sector for sector in ['B', 'C', 'E', 'F', 'I', 'K', 'P', 'U', 'V', 'Y', 'RE']]
assets = ['EQ:%s' % symbol for symbol in strategy_symbols]
# As this is a dynamic universe of assets (XLC and XLRE are added later)
# we need to tell QSTrader when they can be included. This is
# achieved using an asset dates dictionary
asset_dates = {asset: start_dt for asset in assets}
asset_dates['EQ:XLC'] = pd.Timestamp('2018-06-18 00:00:00', tz=pytz.UTC)
asset_dates['EQ:XLRE'] = pd.Timestamp('2015-10-08 00:00:00', tz=pytz.UTC)
strategy_universe = DynamicUniverse(asset_dates)
# To avoid loading all CSV files in the directory, set the
# data source to load only those provided symbols
csv_dir = os.environ.get('QSTRADER_CSV_DATA_DIR', '.')
strategy_data_source = CSVDailyBarDataSource(csv_dir, Equity, csv_symbols=strategy_symbols)
strategy_data_handler = BacktestDataHandler(strategy_universe, data_sources=[strategy_data_source])
# Generate the signals (in this case holding-period return based
# momentum) used in the top-N momentum alpha model
momentum = MomentumSignal(start_dt, strategy_universe, lookbacks=[PARAMS[job_id][0]])
signals = SignalsCollection({'momentum': momentum}, strategy_data_handler)
# Generate the alpha model instance for the top-N momentum alpha model
strategy_alpha_model = TopNMomentumAlphaModel(
signals, PARAMS[job_id][0], PARAMS[job_id][1], strategy_universe, strategy_data_handler
# Construct the strategy backtest and run it
strategy_backtest = BacktestTradingSession(
# Construct benchmark assets (buy & hold SPY)
benchmark_symbols = ['SPY']
benchmark_assets = ['EQ:SPY']
benchmark_universe = StaticUniverse(benchmark_assets)
benchmark_data_source = CSVDailyBarDataSource(csv_dir, Equity, csv_symbols=benchmark_symbols)
benchmark_data_handler = BacktestDataHandler(benchmark_universe, data_sources=[benchmark_data_source])
# Construct a benchmark Alpha Model that provides
# 100% static allocation to the SPY ETF, with no rebalance
benchmark_alpha_model = FixedSignalsAlphaModel({'EQ:SPY': 1.0})
benchmark_backtest = BacktestTradingSession(
# Performance Output
backtest_statistics = JSONStatistics(
equity_curve = strategy_backtest.get_equity_curve(),
strategy_name = "momentum_taa",
output_filename = "momentum_taa_{0}_{1}.json".format(PARAMS[job_id][0], PARAMS[job_id][1]),
target_allocations = pd.DataFrame()
if __name__ == "__main__":
The complete modified code is available below:
import itertools
import operator
import os
import click
import pandas as pd
import pytz
from qstrader.alpha_model.alpha_model import AlphaModel
from qstrader.alpha_model.fixed_signals import FixedSignalsAlphaModel
from qstrader.asset.equity import Equity
from qstrader.asset.universe.dynamic import DynamicUniverse
from qstrader.asset.universe.static import StaticUniverse
from qstrader.signals.momentum import MomentumSignal
from qstrader.signals.signals_collection import SignalsCollection
from import BacktestDataHandler
from import CSVDailyBarDataSource
from qstrader.statistics.json_statistics import JSONStatistics
from import BacktestTradingSession
mom_params = list(
itertools.product(list(range(1,9)), [21*i for i in range(1, 13)])
PARAMS = {i:j for i,j in enumerate(mom_params)}
class TopNMomentumAlphaModel(AlphaModel):
def __init__(
self, signals, mom_lookback, mom_top_n, universe, data_handler
Initialise the TopNMomentumAlphaModel
signals : `SignalsCollection`
The entity for interfacing with various pre-calculated
signals. In this instance we want to use 'momentum'.
mom_lookback : `integer`
The number of business days to calculate momentum
lookback over.
mom_top_n : `integer`
The number of assets to include in the portfolio,
ranking from highest momentum descending.
universe : `Universe`
The collection of assets utilised for signal generation.
data_handler : `DataHandler`
The interface to the CSV data.
self.signals = signals
self.mom_lookback = mom_lookback
self.mom_top_n = mom_top_n
self.universe = universe
self.data_handler = data_handler
def _highest_momentum_asset(
self, dt
Calculates the ordered list of highest performing momentum
assets restricted to the 'Top N', for a particular datetime.
dt : `pd.Timestamp`
The datetime for which the highest momentum assets
should be calculated.
Ordered list of highest performing momentum assets
restricted to the 'Top N'.
assets = self.signals['momentum'].assets
# Calculate the holding-period return momenta for each asset,
# for the particular provided momentum lookback period
all_momenta = {
asset: self.signals['momentum'](
asset, self.mom_lookback
) for asset in assets
# Obtain a list of the top performing assets by momentum
# restricted by the provided number of desired assets to
# trade per month
return [
asset[0] for asset in sorted(
def _generate_signals(
self, dt, weights
Calculate the highest performing momentum for each
asset then assign 1 / N of the signal weight to each
of these assets.
dt : `pd.Timestamp`
The datetime for which the signal weights
should be calculated.
weights : `dict{str: float}`
The current signal weights dictionary.
`dict{str: float}`
The newly created signal weights dictionary.
top_assets = self._highest_momentum_asset(dt)
for asset in top_assets:
weights[asset] = 1.0 / self.mom_top_n
return weights
def __call__(
self, dt
Calculates the signal weights for the top N
momentum alpha model, assuming that there is
sufficient data to begin calculating momentum
on the desired assets.
dt : `pd.Timestamp`
The datetime for which the signal weights
should be calculated.
`dict{str: float}`
The newly created signal weights dictionary.
assets = self.universe.get_assets(dt)
weights = {asset: 0.0 for asset in assets}
# Only generate weights if the current time exceeds the
# momentum lookback period
if self.signals.warmup >= self.mom_lookback:
weights = self._generate_signals(dt, weights)
return weights
@click.option('--job-id', 'job_id', type=int, help="SLURM ARRAY TASK ID")
def cli(job_id):
# Duration of the backtest
start_dt = pd.Timestamp('1998-12-22 14:30:00', tz=pytz.UTC)
burn_in_dt = pd.Timestamp('1999-12-22 14:30:00', tz=pytz.UTC)
end_dt = pd.Timestamp('2020-12-31 23:59:00', tz=pytz.UTC)
# Construct the symbols and assets necessary for the backtest
# This utilises the SPDR US sector ETFs, all beginning with XL
strategy_symbols = ['XL' + sector for sector in ['B', 'C', 'E', 'F', 'I', 'K', 'P', 'U', 'V', 'Y', 'RE']]
assets = ['EQ:%s' % symbol for symbol in strategy_symbols]
# As this is a dynamic universe of assets (XLC and XLRE are added later)
# we need to tell QSTrader when they can be included. This is
# achieved using an asset dates dictionary
asset_dates = {asset: start_dt for asset in assets}
asset_dates['EQ:XLC'] = pd.Timestamp('2018-06-18 00:00:00', tz=pytz.UTC)
asset_dates['EQ:XLRE'] = pd.Timestamp('2015-10-08 00:00:00', tz=pytz.UTC)
strategy_universe = DynamicUniverse(asset_dates)
# To avoid loading all CSV files in the directory, set the
# data source to load only those provided symbols
csv_dir = os.environ.get('QSTRADER_CSV_DATA_DIR', '.')
strategy_data_source = CSVDailyBarDataSource(csv_dir, Equity, csv_symbols=strategy_symbols)
strategy_data_handler = BacktestDataHandler(strategy_universe, data_sources=[strategy_data_source])
# Generate the signals (in this case holding-period return based
# momentum) used in the top-N momentum alpha model
momentum = MomentumSignal(start_dt, strategy_universe, lookbacks=[PARAMS[job_id][0]])
signals = SignalsCollection({'momentum': momentum}, strategy_data_handler)
# Generate the alpha model instance for the top-N momentum alpha model
strategy_alpha_model = TopNMomentumAlphaModel(
signals, PARAMS[job_id][0], PARAMS[job_id][1], strategy_universe, strategy_data_handler
# Construct the strategy backtest and run it
strategy_backtest = BacktestTradingSession(
# Construct benchmark assets (buy & hold SPY)
benchmark_symbols = ['SPY']
benchmark_assets = ['EQ:SPY']
benchmark_universe = StaticUniverse(benchmark_assets)
benchmark_data_source = CSVDailyBarDataSource(csv_dir, Equity, csv_symbols=benchmark_symbols)
benchmark_data_handler = BacktestDataHandler(benchmark_universe, data_sources=[benchmark_data_source])
# Construct a benchmark Alpha Model that provides
# 100% static allocation to the SPY ETF, with no rebalance
benchmark_alpha_model = FixedSignalsAlphaModel({'EQ:SPY': 1.0})
benchmark_backtest = BacktestTradingSession(
# Performance Output
backtest_statistics = JSONStatistics(
equity_curve = strategy_backtest.get_equity_curve(),
strategy_name = "momentum_taa",
output_filename = "momentum_taa_{0}_{1}.json".format(PARAMS[job_id][0], PARAMS[job_id][1]),
target_allocations = pd.DataFrame()
if __name__ == "__main__":
Preparing the SLURM Job
Now that you have the 12 CSV files of historic data and the modified momentum script we need to copy them over to the /sharedfs
drive on the Raspberry Pi cluster. This can be achieved by using scp
. As this SLURM job will be creating 96 different jobs and therefore 96 SLURM output files it is advisable to create a new directory in to the /sharedfs
drive for this task.
Once the files are copied across the final task is to create the SLURM batch file. SSH into the primary node of the cluster and create and edit a new batch file. We have chosen to call ours
Enter the following lines into the batch file.
#SBATCH --chdir=.
#SBATCH --array 0-95%12
/home/ubuntu/backtest/bin/python3 --job-id=$SLURM_ARRAY_TASK_ID
This will create an array of 96 jobs with 12 running simultaneously, one on each of the 12 cores available on the three secondary nodes. We run the code inside the backtest virtual environment and parse the $SLURM_ARRAY_TASK_ID
as a command line parameter. That's the final step. You can now execute the SLURM job by typing sbatch
into the primary node. You can use squeue
and sinfo -lNe
to keep an eye on your jobs.
Comparing the results of the Backtests
Once the jobs are finished you will have 96 JSON output files with the nomenclature momentum_taa_x_y.json, where x is the lookback window and y is the number of assets. In order to evaluate the parameter sweep and analyse which of the parameters we might want to take forward into a strategy we need conduct a senstivity analysis and visualise the differences. The most commonly used metrics for evaluation are the Sharpe ratio, CAGR and Maximum drawdown. As discussed in part 4 of this article series, QSTrader outputs all three of these parameters within the strategy dictionary. The code below will generate and save three heatmaps showing the value of each metric across all the 96 parameter combnations.
import json
import itertools
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import seaborn as sns
def get_stats(top_n_assets):
Extracts the CAGR, Sharpe and Max Drawdown metrics from the QSTrader
JSON output files.
top_n_assets : `list`
list of integers from 1 to 8.
cagr : `dict`
Dictionary of CAGR values
sharpe : `dict`
Dictionary of Sharpe values
max_dd : `dict`
Dictionary of max drawdown values
lookbacks = [21*n for n in range(1,13)]
cagr = {}
max_dd = {}
sharpe = {}
for lookback in lookbacks:
for n in top_n_assets:
for key, di in json.load(open(f'momentum_taa_{lookback}_{n}.json', 'r')).items():
if key == 'strategy':
return cagr, sharpe, max_dd
def create_df(cagr, sharpe, max_dd):
Creates DataFrame for CAGR Sharpe and Max Drawdown
cagr : `dict`
Dictionary of CAGR values
sharpe : `dict`
Dictionary of Sharpe values
max_dd : `dict`
Dictionary of max drawdown values
cagr_df : `pd.DataFrame`
DataFrame of CAGR values
sharpe_df : `pd.DataFrame`
DataFrame of Sharpe values
dd_df : `pd.DataFrame`
DataFrame of max drawdown values
cagr_df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(cagr)
cagr_df.index = cagr_df.index + 1
sharpe_df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(sharpe)
sharpe_df.index = sharpe_df.index + 1
dd_df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(max_dd)
dd_df.index = dd_df.index + 1
return cagr_df, sharpe_df, dd_df
def format_metrics(cagr_df, sharpe_df, max_dd):
Formats the values of CAGR and Max Drawdown to percentages
cagr_df : `pd.DataFrame`
DataFrame of CAGR values
sharpe_df : `pd.DataFrame`
DataFrame of Sharpe values
dd_df : `DataFrame`
DataFrame of max drawdown values
cagr_m : `pd.DataFrame`
DataFrame of CAGR values as percentage
sharpe_m : `pd.DataFrame`
DataFrame of Sharpe values
max_dd_m : `pd.DataFrame`
DataFrame of max drawdown values as percentage converted to negative
cagr_m = cagr_df*100
sharpe_m = sharpe_df
max_dd_m = -1*dd_df*100
return cagr_m, sharpe_m, max_dd_m
def plot_heatmaps(cagr_m, sharpe_m, max_dd_m, top_n_assets):
Plots the CAGR, Sharpe and Max Drawdown for all backtests as heatmaps
cagr_m : `pd.DataFrame`
DataFrame of CAGR values as percentage
sharpe_m : `pd.DataFrame`
DataFrame of Sharpe values
max_dd_m : `pd.DataFrame`
DataFrame of max drawdown values as percentage converted to negative
fig, ax = plt.subplots(3, 1, figsize=(10,12))
metrics = [cagr_m, sharpe_m, max_dd_m]
titles = ["CAGR (%)", "Sharpe", "Max Drawdown (%)"]
for i in range(0,3):
sns.heatmap(metrics[i], annot=True, annot_kws={"size":8}, alpha=1.0, cmap='RdYlGn', cbar=False, vmin=min(metrics[i].min()), vmax=max(metrics[i].max()), ax=ax[i])
ax[i].set_yticks(np.arange(0.5, 8.5))
ax[i].set_yticklabels(top_n_assets, rotation=0)
ax[i].tick_params(axis='both', which='both', length=0)
ax[i].set_ylabel("Momentum Top N (Assets)")
ax[i].set_xlabel("Momentum Lookback (Days)")
plt.savefig("param_sweep_metrics.png", dpi=100, format='png')
if __name__ == '__main__':
top_n_assets = list(range(1,9))
cagr, sharpe, max_dd = get_stats(top_n_assets)
cagr_df, sharpe_df, dd_df = create_df(cagr, sharpe, max_dd)
cagr_m, sharpe_m, max_dd_m = format_metrics(cagr_df, sharpe_df, dd_df)
plot_heatmaps(cagr_m, sharpe_m, max_dd_m, top_n_assets)
The code above extratcs the values of each of the metrics from the JSON files and creates three pandas DataFrames, one for each of the metrics, CAGR, Sharpe and Max Drawdown. The CAGR is then converted to a percentage along with the Max Drawdown which is also further converted to a negative value. The CAGR, Sharpe and Max Drawdown are then plotted as heatmaps and the figure is saved as param_sweep_metrics.png. To execute the code simply save and run it from the directory where all the output JSON files are stored. This will create the PNG file which contains the following sensitvity analysis.

This concludes the series on Building a Raspberry Pi Cluster for QSTrader using SLURM. From here you can use the cluster to run further parameter sweeps for strategies with QSTrader, generate synthetic data for backtesting and model evaluations and for running derivatives pricing code in parallel.